Due to elevated awareness of global food-safety, a proactive approach to controlling hazards is a fundamental aspect of today’s food industry. This requires vigilant documentation and constant review of processes. Product safety in any food operation is paramount
Food processors need to adhere to strict food-safety and sanitation procedures in order to minimize the risk of customers contracting a foodborne illness. Outbreaks of foodborne illnesses have spawned lawsuits and liability claims, costing companies millions in settlements and even more in reputation damage.
These rules relate to handling of food items, but food handlers also must maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and cleanliness to avoid transferring harmful bacteria to foods. The following points apply to employees’ attire:
Wear clean uniforms, aprons and garments at the beginning of each shift and change them regularly when necessary;
- Wear clean uniforms, aprons and garments at the beginning of each shift and change them regularly when necessary;
- Do not wear uniforms or aprons outside the food-preparation area;
- Avoid using handkerchiefs for wiping or blowing noses; use disposable tissues;
- Wear disposable gloves;
- Avoid wearing jewelry while handling or preparing food;
- Do not wear damaged or deteriorating uniforms, aprons or garments;
- Avoid garments that feature pockets above the waist or that have buttons.